Page 10 - Data Security Edition 2022
P. 10

Data Security Trends

    The  exponential  growth  of  data  risk, and the importance of the data       regulatory  expectations.  We  will
    being  accessed  by  a  rapidly  itself. Data classification is another         s e e   d a t a   c l a s s i fi c a t i o n
    growing  number  of  devices  is       challenge for organizations.            capabilities continue to evolve to
    making  things  difficult  for          Understanding the crown jewels –        automate this process with a high
    organizations.  There  is  also  an    what  is  the  most  important  data,   degree  of  accuracy  across  all
    increase  in  expectations  on         taking into account both sensitivity  data types. We will also witness a
    boards  and  company  officers  to      and criticality. Not all data is equal,  rise in disruption being a focus of
    protect their customer data. This is   and  some  data  has  a  use-by  attackers  as  opposed  to  data
    driving  demands  in  privacy          date/time  limit  for  when  it  is  breach or theft. Compromising the
    legislation globally.                  important and when not.                 availability  and  integrity  of  data

    Data security Implementation           Data Security Predictions for India  can  be  just  as,  if  not  more
    Challenges                             & Global Markets                        impactful,  to  organizations  than

    Visibility is a challenge: where the   I think India, like other countries, will   data breach or theft.
    data is flowing, who is accessing it,   continue to evolve its privacy and
    from what devices, the application     data security requirements and -

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