Page 8 - MEA & APAC Edition
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trending story

          Data Privacy -

          A Growing Priority for

          MEA Organizations

          Data privacy governs how data is collected,           denying that information & data privacy has
          shared, and used. In a more practical sense, it       become the need of the hour today.
          deals with numerous aspects like the control          In  an  exclusive  interaction  with  Digitaltech
          process around data sharing with 3rd parties,         Media, security experts from the MEA (Middle
          where and how that data is stored, and the            East & Africa) region share insights into the

          specific  regulations  applicable  to  those           factors that businesses must consider when
          processes.                                            operating under the purview of data privacy
          Globally,  almost  all  countries,  have              laws. They also talk about the growth of data

          introduced  some  or  the  other  form  of            during and in the aftermath of the pandemic
          legislation  related  to  data  privacy  like  the    and  how  data  &  information  privacy  will
          CCPA  (California  Consumer  Privacy  Act)  or        remain of prime importance in the years to
          GDPR  (General  Data  Protection  Regulation).        come.
          Thus, there is no -
                                                                                                                 April 2022
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